May 9, 2024

Complications of Sinusitis

Complications of Sinusitis

Complications of Sinusitis

The sinusitis occurs in millions of people all across the globe. It is a condition whereby sinuses get inflamed or infected; if this condition is not treated, there is a chance of many complications. This post will subjectively address sinusitis, including symptoms, causes, complications, and treatment, emphasizing Sinus Surgery Specialist in Navi Mumbai offering FESS for advanced-stage cases.

What is sinusitis?

The sinuses are the tiny air chamber areas bunched around the nose. The swelling or inflammation of these sinuses will lead to the occurrence of a sinus condition known as sinusitis. Bacteria, viral infections, allergies, or the natural environment may cause inflammation. The obvious symptoms range from the stuffiness of the nose to the head and facial pains. It is often accompanied by mucus in the form of thick catarrh. While less common in the pediatric age group, sinusitis affects people in all stages of life but is especially prevalent in adults.

Causes of sinusitis

a) Thick, colored mucus from the nose:

The mucus from the nose can be consistent in color, unlike the clear mucus.

b) Mucus down the throat:

Mucus flows all the way into the throat. The dripping can easily lead to either coughing or sore throat.

c) Blocked nose:

Congestion may occur in the nose, which makes breathing difficult. One of the first symptoms is that it becomes hard to breathe through the nose. Congestion refers to this state.

d) Pain or swelling in the face:

The areas around the eyes, cheeks, nose, or forehead are likely to ache and become inflamed or tender.

e) Reduction in smell and taste:

People may notice reduced smell and taste capacity in nasal congestion.

Complications of sinusitis

If sinusitis is severe and remains untreated for a long time, it can result in several complications. One serious complication is a sinus infection that spreads to nearby areas like the bones around the sinus (orbital infection), the brain (intracranial infection), or other areas.

Other complications include vision changes, loss of smell, sinus cysts or polyps’ formation, and long-term facial pain syndromes. Rarely, sinusitis may also cause issues like diabetes insipidus or bleeding disorders due to inflammation in critical areas. Sinus Surgery Specialist in Navi Mumbai offer advanced treatments like FESS surgery to manage such severe cases.

Treatment for sinusitis

Mild cases are not dangerous and can be efficiently treated at home with over-the-counter medicines, like nasal sprays, steam inhalation, and pain medicine. They thus contribute to clearing the nasal ducts and reduction of swellings.

Doctors recommend waiting 5-7 days to see if symptoms improve before further treatment. If the symptoms haven’t disappeared immediately, the doctor may have to choose to give antibiotics. Antibiotics are supposed to fight subacute sinusitis, a group of severe bacterial infections that can lead to acute sinusitis.

For cases that do not improve after treatment with medication, specialists also attend to the situation. Specialists perform FESS Surgery in Navi Mumbai to address severe and frequent sinusitis. Correspondingly, FESS, the known safe, risk-free method, is clear when an endoscope insinuates into the nose to disobstruct the clogged sinus pathways.

Prevention of sinusitis

  • Maintain your living space clean and dust-free to reduce allergens.
  • Keep yourself hydrated. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water to keep your sinuses moist.
  • Regularly clean your nasal passage. Use saline Solutions to remove bacteria.
  • Avoid excessive use of nasal sprays.


Sinusitis is a disease that affects many people around the globe and often results in complications if not treated carefully. Most acute infections resolve only with natural processes. Still, episodes of recurrent or serious infection call for interventions like medications, minimally invasive balloon procedures, or endoscopic sinus surgery performed by expert Sinus Surgery Specialist in Navi Mumbai. A comprehensive preventive orientation and the immediate treatment of chronic cases will help minimize sinusitis issue-related complications.

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