September 20, 2023

When Tympanoplasty Surgery Fails: Recognizing the Symptoms

When Tympanoplasty Surgery Fails_ Recognizing the Symptoms

When Tympanoplasty Surgery Fails: Recognizing the Symptoms

Tympanoplasty is a surgical procedure to repair the eardrum (tympanic membrane) and middle ear structures. It’s a crucial intervention for individuals with hearing loss, chronic ear infections, or trauma-related ear injuries. Dr. Avinash Borade, a renowned Tympanoplasty doctor in Juinagar, Navi Mumbai, has helped numerous patients regain hearing and improve their ear health through this surgery. Here, you can also learn about the causes of Tympanoplasty surgery failure.

What Can Cause Tympanoplasty Surgery to Fail?

While Tympanoplasty is generally a highly successful procedure, there are instances when it may not achieve the desired results. Several factors can contribute to the failure of Tympanoplasty surgery:

  • Post-surgery infections can undermine the healing process and lead to graft failure.
  • It can fail if the graft material used to repair the eardrum does not sit properly or gets displaced.
  • Sometimes, the body may reject the graft material used for repair.
  • If the surgeon fails to completely seal the perforation in the eardrum, it can lead to a failed surgery.
  • Certain medical conditions, like chronic inflammation or immune system disorders, can hinder healing.
  • Smoking can slow down the healing process, making it more likely for the surgery to fail.

Symptoms of Failed Tympanoplasty Surgery

Recognizing the signs of a failed Tympanoplasty surgery is crucial for seeking timely medical attention. Patients who have undergone this procedure should watch out for the following symptoms:

I) Persistent Ear Discharge:

If you notice ongoing ear drainage or discharge, it could be a sign of graft failure or infection.

II) Hearing Loss:

A decrease in hearing ability or the return of hearing problems clearly indicates surgery failure.

III) Tinnitus:

Ringing, buzzing, or other unusual sounds in the ear can be a sign of complications from the surgery.

IV) Vertigo:

Dizziness or balance problems can arise due to complications with the middle ear.

V) Pain and Discomfort:

If you experience persistent pain or discomfort in the ear, you must consult your Tympanoplasty surgeon.

Treatment Options for Failed Tympanoplasty Surgery

When Tympanoplasty surgery fails, it doesn’t mean all hope is lost. Dr. Avinash Borade, the Tympanoplasty doctor in Juinagar, recommends the following treatment options:

1) Revision Tympanoplasty

In some cases, a second surgery, known as a revision Tympanoplasty, can be performed to correct the issues from the initial procedure.

2) Medication

Antibiotics may be prescribed to treat infections, while pain management medications can alleviate discomfort.

3) Hearing Aids

For patients experiencing hearing loss post-surgery, hearing aids can provide a solution.

4) Addressing Underlying Issues

If underlying conditions like allergies or immune disorders contributed to the failure, managing these conditions is essential.

5) Lifestyle Changes

Quitting smoking and making healthy lifestyle choices can significantly aid in the healing process.


Tympanoplasty Surgery in Navi Mumbai is a remarkable procedure that can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with ear-related issues. However, as with any surgical intervention, failure is possible. Recognizing the symptoms of a failed Tympanoplasty is the first step toward seeking appropriate medical care.

Dr. Avinash Borade and his team at Dr. Borade ENT & Multi Speciality Clinic in Juinagar, Navi Mumbai, have a wealth of experience in Tympanoplasty surgery and are well-equipped to address any complications. If you or a loved one have undergone Tympanoplasty and suspect a failed procedure, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Borade for expert evaluation and guidance.

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