June 11, 2024

Causes of Pain in Throat When Swallowing

Causes of Pain in Throat When Swallowing

Causes of Pain in Throat When Swallowing

Sore throat or throat discomfort can either be mild unease or very painful. This is why it is significant to know the cause, ranging from slight illnesses to critical health issues that warrant immediate medical attention. This article talks about both usual and rare reasons why a person might feel pain while swallowing something, including their saliva.

Common Causes of Throat Pain While Swallowing

A. Throat Infection

Viral or bacterial infections of the throat are a common cause. For viral infections, colds are responsible for the throat while flu is responsible for sore throats. Even bacteria can also be reported to be infectious in the throat such as streptococcus.

B. Swelling

This leads to the swelling up of the throat tissues making one feel pain especially during swallowing of anything like food substances or liquids. Early detection and medical attention from an ear nose throat specialist in Navi Mumbai bring fast relief.

C. Tonsillitis

The tonsils are situated at the rear of the mouth area and they help fight infections. Swollen or infected tonsils, known as tonsillitis, bring about an interminable throat aching that becomes more serious when you swallow. It is a frequent occurrence that viral tonsillitis occurs among kids while adults may suffer from bacterial infections instead.

Less Common Causes of Throat Pain While Swallowing

1. Allergies

Dander from pets, pollen, or certain types of food can all affect the throat negatively by causing scratching, sneezing, etc. As long as the throat is irritated, swallowing will remain painful. The best way to deal with this is to avoid coming into contact with allergens while taking nasal decongestants recommended by an ear, nose, and throat specialist practising throat pain treatment in Navi Mumbai.

2. Injuries or irritations

Frequent vomiting or lifting heavy objects may bring about pain when swallowing due to throat injuries. Similarly, irritants such as smoke, pollution or loud throat clearing might also lead to throat irritation by means of chemical means. Gargling with salt water or using lozenges, as proposed by a throat specialist in Navi Mumbai could be useful in soothing the throat plus lessening the ache commonly experienced when one is swallowing something.

When to Seek Medical Attention

i. Severe or persistent pain

If the pain in the throat becomes severe or remains for more than a couple of days amidst a fever, redness or pus in the throat and difficulty swallowing even the liquids or food, you should then rush consultation with an Ears, Nose and Throat specialist in Navi Mumbai.

ii. Difficulty breathing or swallowing

Significant difficulty swallowing or trouble breathing requires emergency care to evaluate for possible complications like airway infection or obstruction. Early intervention by a throat specialist in Navi Mumbai prevents further problems.


Identifying the cause of throat pain aids treatment selection. Most throat infections resolve independently, but severe or persistent cases require examination and management by a throat specialist in Navi Mumbai. Seeking timely medical advice helps prevent further progression of illness. Adopting suitable throat care measures and lifestyle modifications also helps reduce throat infections and related complications.

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