List of ENT Surgeries
ENT, short for Ear, Nose, and Throat surgeries, can help fix structural issues related to your neck, head, throat, and ears or can include cosmetic surgeries. This post lists the common types of surgeries that an ENT surgeon in Navi Mumbai specializes in. Let’s take a look.
List of Ear Surgeries
Kids and adults with hearing disabilities, structural abnormalities, infections, and other issues may need to undergo ear surgeries. Here are a few common types of ear surgeries.
1) Tympanoplasty:
A hole in your eardrum won’t heal on its own. Fortunately, it can be repaired with a small, minimally invasive surgical procedure called tympanoplasty. The surgery improves your hearing function and reduces ear infections.
2) Mastoidectomy:
Mastoid bone, located behind your ear, can develop diseased cells, which can result in infection spreading to the skull. These infected or diseased mastoid cells can be surgically removed through Mastoidectomy.
3) Stapedectomy:
This surgery treats otosclerosis, a medical condition that prevents sound from traveling to the inner ear. It involves removing and replacing the stapes bones with a prosthetic device.
4) Ossiculoplasty:
The three tiny bones called ossicles are responsible for transmitting sound from the outer to the inner ear. If one or all of these bones get damaged due to an infection, trauma, or non-cancerous growth, you can consider Ossiculoplasty surgery to have them reconstructed. This improves your hearing.
5) Cochlear Implant:
For those with profound hearing loss or who do not benefit from traditional hearing aids, cochlear implant surgery can help. It involves external implants that sit behind your ears and surgical placement of the implants under the skin to aid hearing.
Common ENT Surgeries
a) Nose
Septoplasty and Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS):
Although different, these two surgeries are often performed together to provide structural and functional relief to patients with deviated septum and frequent sinus infections. The former can cause nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, and sinusitis. Septoplasty can help correct the deviated septum, while FESS is used to treat chronic sinusitis.
b) Ear
Tympanoplasty and mastoidectomy:
These two ear surgeries are recommended for perforated eardrums and infected mastoid cells behind the ears. Any ENT clinic in Navi Mumbai can perform these procedures to restore hearing and prevent recurring infections.
c) Throat
Adenoidectomy and Tonsillectomy:
Enlarged adenoids in children may require surgical removal, mainly if they cause frequent infections and nasal obstructions. Tonsillectomy is another surgery that removes infected or enlarged tonsils. Both surgeries are performed together to prevent the need for future surgical requirements.
d) Neck
Thyroid and Oral Cancer Surgeries:
Your thyroid gland is responsible for metabolism and hormone release. If the doctor suspects cancerous or non-cancerous growth in the thyroid, they might remove a portion or all of it. Likewise, oral cancer surgeries are required if you have cancer of the mouth, lip, tongue, cheeks, and gum.
e) Larynx
Larynx surgeries cover surgeries of the voice box. These can include cancerous growth, trauma, or vocal cord disorders. A laryngectomy removes part or all of the larynx and is needed in advanced stages of cancer.
You may need simple ENT surgery, such as sinus surgery, to fix the chronic infection or a more complex procedure that improves your hearing, speech, swallowing, and other functions involving the ear, nose, and throat. Your surgeon will help you understand the risks and recovery.